About me

thank you for your reply and for some informations about you.

OH thanks,but don’t worry if only very recently you could see my first
E-mail as it was put into spam, that happens here even sometimes.

Thanks for asking,no unfortunately actually I never was in Russia but
I would like much to and I think in future I will have my occasions also
for that. I would like much to as I think Eastern Europe,despite its pro-
blems,it’s really another world in comparison to Western part of the conti-
nent where we live in.
I was in England me too,but not recently, actually the last time in
summer 1994, but I don’t wish too much going there again and I prefer Eas —
tern Europe; with all respect I would never like going to United States.

A trip in Hungary in August 2004 was my first trip in Eastern Europe
and since early September 2007 I live about half of my time in Budapest.

During my whole life indeed I will never wish to get separated from
Eastern Europe.

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комментариев: 1

  1. Dav написал(а):

    Ничего не понятно.

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